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Are you looking for Containers for your Cargo-Terminal? I built some simple Containers in different sizes and colours.


Copy all files into one directory in your airport-directory (e.g. under \objects\containers) and use WED to place them.

What you get:

Filenames: aa'_bccc.._0d.obj

aa:          Standard ISO-Containers 20' or 40'
b:            "l" for light or "d" for dark colours
ccc..:      colour
d:            front and back version "1" or "2"

There are some versions without special front- an back-textures (i needed the yellow-green version for one of my sceneries).

Tested with: XP10.11

If you have any suggestions or you want to receive the sources (built with SketchUp and Gimp), write to:

Please feel to improve my work. But: ... please send me a short notice or the new sources. I want to learn from you!

Released in the public domain. Fell free to modify, improve, correct, and

Have fun!


Download: here
Description: here
(in german)

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