LOPK LH Phyrn-Eisenwurzen Kirchdorf

Noch keine Bewertungen vorhanden

The Original

1900: The cornerstone for the new hospital building is laid from a foundation by the scythe manufacturer Simon Redtenbacher and donations from the Sparkasse Kirchdorf.
1926: Opening of the three-storey extension.
From 1902 to 1963 the spiritual sisters (Sisters of Mary of Carmel) cared for the patients.
1949 Establishment of the internal department by adding two stories to the old building.
1966 The five-storey new building is opened.
1971 – 1976 A 6th floor and a star building are added to the new building.
2001 New construction of the energy center.
2003 - 2005 Completion of the renovation of the entire facade of the central and south wing with aluminum facade and thermal insulation.
2013 Opening of the new delivery and rescue access.
2018 Construction of a new helipad.

Source: https://www.ooeg.at/pek/ueber-uns/historie/pyhrn-eisenwurzen-klinikum-ki...

The szenerie

The scene is based on publicly available informations.
All objects have been new created..


not available

Functions (summary)

  • Photorealistic buildings at the clinic area
  • Compatibel to X-Europe V2.0 from PilotBalu
  • Groundtexture at the clinic areal
  • realistic lighting and night-textures


Just copy the folder "LOPK LKH Pyhrn-Eisenwurzen Kirchdorf" in the compressed file after unpacking in the "Custom Scenery" - folder.
       Custom Scenery /
            LOPK LKH Pyhrn-Eisenwurzen Kirchdorf/
                       Earth nav data und andere
and restart X-Plane..

Recommended settings
To visualize all light effects, HDR should be activated. The higher the settings for "texture resolution" and "airport detail" the better the quality of the scenery but the more affect on the FPS ratio.

Required Software

X-Plane® Version 11.11+

Used Libraries


Recommended addons
Although the scenery will work without any addons, we recommend to use the following ones for the whole experience (pictures taken with addons installed):
simheaven_X-Europe-1, -2, -3 by PilotBalu, Download von: http://simheaven.com/simdownloads/x-europe/


Ben Supnik                      WED (Version 1.6.1 verwendet)
marginal                          Sketchup-Plugin
CDB-Library                     Cars/People

made by oe6eug, Kurt

If you like this Scenery, we appreciate your donation:

     LOPK LKH Pyhrn-Eisenwurzen Kirchdorf (XP 11)

