LOMW LKH Wolfsberg

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1.The Original

The LKH Hospital Wolfsberg offers medicine, care and therapeutic care of the highest standards - in a modern and manageable house. Every year around 15,000 inpatients are admitted to our home. In addition, there are over 80,000 outpatient contacts every year. The various departments also ensure close access to a wide range of services through close interdisciplinary cooperation. Each department is available to others. It's like a precise clockwork, where one cog takes over the other, where everyone can rely on everyone. For the benefit of the patients.
The LKH Wolfsberg is an important part of Carinthian health care. It is, in addition to the hospitals of Klagenfurt, Villach, Hermagor and Laas, one of the five KABEG provincial hospitals. The fact that the LKH Wolfsberg today has such an excellent reputation is due to experience, personal commitment, medical and nursing know-how as well as a great deal of humanity, manageability and security.
The LKH Wolfsberg, a house with over 120 years of tradition, has developed particularly well in recent years. The prerequisite for this has been provided by the comprehensive Carinthian care concept by Politik and Kärntner Krankenanstaltenbetriebsgesellschaft KABEG. Wolfsberg has also become a special hospital thanks to the great dedication of those responsible at the department level and of all employees: to a Carinthian flagship hospital. Patients therefore not only come from the region to the LKH Wolfsberg but also from all over Carinthia and beyond.

The departments of the LKH Wolfsberg offer patients medical care and care of a high standard. Each of the departments is equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology criteria and has highly qualified employees. This is the top priority for the best possible treatment and care of patients. For all of them - whether doctors, nursing staff, medical technical services, catering or administration - the human being is at the center of all efforts. Together, the departments of the LKH Wolfsberg are able to offer a wide range of modern hospital medicine in a friendly and patient-oriented environment. Great importance is attached to constant training and further education of the employees. The latest findings in medicine, nursing and medical technology can be implemented so quickly and placed at the service of diverse and responsible tasks. In addition, our departments also cooperate with a variety of health and research institutions nationwide to ensure the best possible treatment and care for the patients entrusted to them at all times. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

(Source: http://www.lovntol.at/gesund-schoenheit/lkh-wolfsberg)

2.The scenery

The scene is based on publicly available information and pictures from the web-site http://www.wildbergair.com..

All objects have been new created


not available

3.Functions (summary)

  • Photorealistic buildings at the clinic are
  • Compatibel to X-Europe V2.0 from PliotBalu
  • Groundtexture at the clinic areal
  • relistic lighting an night-textures


Just copy the folder " LOMW LKH Wolfsberg 2.0" in the compressed file after unpacking in the "Custom Scenery" - folder.

directory structure:


          Custom Scenery /

                 LOMW LKH Wolfsberg 2.0/

                          Earth nav data and others)

and restart X-Plane.

5.Recommended settings

To visualize all light effects, HDR should be activated. The higher the settings for "texture resolution" and "airport detail" the better the quality of the scenery but the more affect on the FPS ratio.

6.Required Software

X-Plane® Version 11.11+

7.Used Libraries


8.Recommended addons

Although the scenery will work without any addons, we recommend to use the following ones for the whole experience (pictures taken with addons installed):

simheaven_X-Europe-1, -2, -3 by PilotBalu,
Download von: http://simheaven.com/simdownloads/x-europe/


LAMINAR RESEARCH®            X-Plane®

Ben Supnik                              WED (Version 1.6.1 verwendet)

marginal                                   Sketchup-Plugin

uwespeed                                 european cars

made by oe3gsu

If you like this Scenery, we appreciate your donation:

     LOMW LKH Wolfsberg 2.0.zip