- Mein Cockpit
- Szenerien-Liste
- Szenerien - Karte
- Modellflugplätze
- HELI - Landeplätze
- 4077 M.A.S.H.
- AAT Ranshofen
- EI01 Fastnet Rock
- F1 Spielberg Racetrack Heliport
- KH Dornbirn
- KH Linz
- KH Rudolfstiftung Wien
- KH Weisser Hof
- LKH-Hainburg
- LKH Hartberg
- LKH Rottenmann
- LKH Schladming
- LKH Wagna
- LOAC KH Kittsee
- LOAE KH Eisenstadt
- LOAF KH Baden
- LOAH KH Horn
- LOAI LKH Wr. Neustadt
- LOAJ Aspern Öamtc
- LOAK KH Krems
- LOAL Pöchlarn-Wörth
- LOAM Wien Meidling
- LOAO KH Oberpullendorf
- LOAY Kilb Heliport
- LOAZ KH Zwettl
- LOBI KH Mödling
- LODL Business Center Leitner
- LODO Oberwart OEAMTC
- LOGR KH Oberwart
- LOIB Hörlahof
- LOIC St. Anton a. Arlberg
- LOID KH Kufstein
- LOIE BKH Reutte
- LOIF LKH Feldkirch
- LOIG Wucher Ludesch
- LOIL Zams Christophorus 5
- LOIM Heliport Kufstein
- LOIO Sölden
- LOIP Ischgl Idalpe
- LOIU LKH Innsbruch HeliPort
- LOIW Waidring
- LOJC Christophorus 4 Reith
- LOJI Medalp Imst
- LOJK Kaltenbach
- LOJN Christophorus 8 Nenzing
- LOJP Karres
- LOJT Hintertux
- LOJW Wucher Gallus 1 Lech/Zuers
- LOLY ÖAMTC Christophorus 15 Ybbsitz
- LOGA LKH Bad Radkersburg
- LOJH Martin 8 Hochgurgl
- LOMP Patergassen
- LOPK LH Phyrn-Eisenwurzen Kirchdorf
- LOMW LKH Wolfsberg
- LOSJ St. Johann im Pongau
- LOWH Hanusch Krankenhaus
- Tauernklinikum Zell am See
- LOXH Hochfilzen
- LOXS Schwarzenbergkaserne
- UKH Lorenz Böhler
- UKH Meidling
- AT02 Scalaria airchallenge
- LAA-Ungerndorf
- LEGO Mistelbach
- LOAA Ottenschlag
- LOAB Dobersberg
- LOAD Völtendorf
- LOAG / LOBK Krems-Langenlois
- LOAN / LOAW Wr. Neustadt Ost
- LOAR Altlichtenwarth
- LOAS Spitzerberg
- LOAT Trausdorf
- LOAU Stockerau
- LOAV Vöslau
- LOGF Fürstenfeld
- LOGG Punitz
- LOGI Trieben
- LOGK Kapfenberg
- LOGL Lanzen-Turnau
- LOGM Mariazell
- LOGO Niederöblarn
- LOGP Pinkafeld
- LOGT Leoben Timmersdorf
- LOGW Unterfladnitz
- LOIH Hohenems
- LOIJ St. Johann
- LOIK Kufstein
- LOIR Reutte Höfen
- LOKF Feldkirchen
- LOKG Glainach
- LOKH Friesach
- LOKL Lienz / Nikolsdorf
- LOKM Mayerhofen
- LOKN Nötsch
- LOKR Sankt Donat
- LOKW Wolfsberg
- LOLC Scharnstein
- LOLE Eferding
- LOLF Freistadt
- LOLG Sankt Georgen
- LOLH HB-Hofkirchen
- LOLK Ried Kirchheim
- LOLO Linz Ost
- LOLS / LOLD Schärding-Suben
- LOLM Micheldorf
- LOLT Seitenstetten
- LOLU Gmunden
- LOLW Wels
- Windparks Österreich
- LOIQ Schenkair Feldkirch
- LOSM Mauterndorf
- LOWF Fischamend
- LOWG Graz Thalerhof
- LOWI Innsbruck Kranebitten
- LOWK/LOMU Klagenfurt
- LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz
- LOWS W.A.Mozart
- LOWW Wien Schwechat
- LOWZ Zell am See
- LOXA Aigen
- LOXN Wr. Neustadt West
- LOXT Tulln
- LOXZ Zeltweg
- Leopoldsdorf im Marchfeld
- Aircrafts
- Tips und Tricks
- Addons für Österreich
- Allgemeines zur X-Plane Welt
- Europäische Strassen
- Kalkulation Light-Spill
- LUA-Scripts
- Modifikation von X-Plane mit JSGME
- PCL (Pilot controlled lights)
- Weniger Schnee auf der Runway
- Europäische Autobahn Beleuchtung
- Flugzeug-Bemalungen (Liveries) anpassen
- Tutorials
- Wir bauen eine Szenerie I
- Wir bauen eine Szenerie II
- Objekte für X-Plane I
- Objekte für X-Plane II
- Objekte für X-Plane III
- Objekte für X-Plane IV
- Objekte für X-Plane V
- Objekte für X-Plane VI
- Animationen bei Objekten
- Objekte in X-Plane positionieren (WED)
- Die Anwendung von Fassaden (.fac)
- Helipads als Markierung
- Rollmarkierungen
- Strassen mit Verkehr selbst erstellen
- Wir bauen eine Linie (.lin)
- Wir bauen einen Wald (.for)
- Wir bauen uns Bäume (.obj)
- Work in progress
- A319-100 OE-LDG
- A320-232 (Paul Glanville)
- A320-232 (QPAC)
- A321 (riviere) Austrian OE-LBF
- AS 350 B3+
- Airbus A330-200 (JAR-Design)
- Aquila A210 (Picus-X)
- BK117 (NDArt)
- Boeing 737-300 (IXEG)
- Boeing 737-8 ZIBO
- Boeing 737-800 (EADT)
- Boeing 747-8i Adv. (SSG)
- Boeing 757-200PW+RR (FF)
- Boeing 757-300RR (Flight Factor)
- Boeing 767 (Flight Factor)
- Boeing 777-200ER (Ramzzess)
- Boeing 787
- C172SP
- CRJ200
- Dash 8 Q400
- Diamond Aircrafts
- E-190 (SSG)
- EC-135V3 (Rotorsim.de)
- MD80 (Rotate)
- MD902 (Dawson Designs)
- Pilatus PC6
- RJ100
- Vickers Viscount
- Missionen / Flugpläne
AT02 Scalaria airchallenge
Verfasst von oe3gsu am Do, 2015-06-18 11:37
1.The Original
1.The Original
... the air festival, hosted by friends for friends, growed into a very short time from the local tip to the fixed size in European airspace. The guest list is elitist as sonorous, not everyone gets to enjoy dancing in the sky and on the ground floor to be a part of scalaria Event Creation.
Thanks to a breathtaking staging the meeting the majestic air Highnesses has established itself as a "place to be" for global celebrities in the fields of economy, culture, art and media.
Be amazed, be inspired, and entertained.
Dipping and lifting
It's the idea that matters and it remains the staging that makes the difference. The seal of approval as a superior Eventresort has scalaria worked also and above all thanks to its in-house productions. Here recourse is had to the stunning natural backdrop that binds the elements of water and sky as the main actor.
For the 10th anniversary of the scalaria we look forward to the Jubilee Overture of historical seaplanes, from selected historic aircraft. The Happening by friends for friends has grown over the past 10 years into an international premium spectacle whose flair lapsed many Interpreneure.
Exciting conversations, good acquaintances and an inspiring show.
Come with us the flaps of us be our partner!
We look forward to you!
From the Flying Bulls to up to historic hydroplanes: The scalaria Air Challenge makes its visitors in be astonished.
(Source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wucher_Helicopter)
2.The scenery
The scene is based on publicly available pictures.
All objects have been completely rebuilt.
not available
3.Functions (summary)
- Photorealistic Scenery
- Compatibel to OSM+autogen V6.0 from PliotBalu
- nighttextures
Just copy the folder " SCALARIA Wolfgangsee 2.0 " in the compressed file after unpacking in the "Custom Scenery" - folder.
directory structure:
Custom Scenery /
SCALARIA Wolfgangsee 2.0 /
Earth nav data and others)
and restart X-Plane.
Comment: ICAO-Code for Scalaria: AT02
5.Recommended settings
To visualize all light effects, HDR should be activated. The higher the settings for "texture resolution" and "airport detail" the better the quality of the scenery but the more affect on the FPS ratio.
6.Required Software
X-Plane® Version 11.11+, 10.30+ or 9.7
7.Used Libraries
8.Recommended addons
Although the scenery will work without any addons, we recommend to use the following ones for the whole experience (pictures taken with addons installed):
simheaven_X-Europe-1, -2, -3 by PilotBalu,
Download von: http://simheaven.com/simdownloads/x-europe/
Ben Supnik WED (Version 1.6.1 verwendet)
marginal Sketchup-Plugin
made by oe3gsu
If you like this Scenery, we appreciate your donation:
SCALARIA Wolfgangsee 2.0.zip (XP 11)
SCALARIA Wolfgangsee 1.0 XP9.zip
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