- Mein Cockpit
- Szenerien-Liste
- Szenerien - Karte
- Modellflugplätze
- HELI - Landeplätze
- 4077 M.A.S.H.
- AAT Ranshofen
- EI01 Fastnet Rock
- F1 Spielberg Racetrack Heliport
- KH Dornbirn
- KH Linz
- KH Rudolfstiftung Wien
- KH Weisser Hof
- LKH-Hainburg
- LKH Hartberg
- LKH Rottenmann
- LKH Schladming
- LKH Wagna
- LOAC KH Kittsee
- LOAE KH Eisenstadt
- LOAF KH Baden
- LOAH KH Horn
- LOAI LKH Wr. Neustadt
- LOAJ Aspern Öamtc
- LOAK KH Krems
- LOAL Pöchlarn-Wörth
- LOAM Wien Meidling
- LOAO KH Oberpullendorf
- LOAY Kilb Heliport
- LOAZ KH Zwettl
- LOBI KH Mödling
- LODL Business Center Leitner
- LODO Oberwart OEAMTC
- LOGR KH Oberwart
- LOIB Hörlahof
- LOIC St. Anton a. Arlberg
- LOID KH Kufstein
- LOIE BKH Reutte
- LOIF LKH Feldkirch
- LOIG Wucher Ludesch
- LOIL Zams Christophorus 5
- LOIM Heliport Kufstein
- LOIO Sölden
- LOIP Ischgl Idalpe
- LOIU LKH Innsbruch HeliPort
- LOIW Waidring
- LOJC Christophorus 4 Reith
- LOJI Medalp Imst
- LOJK Kaltenbach
- LOJN Christophorus 8 Nenzing
- LOJP Karres
- LOJT Hintertux
- LOJW Wucher Gallus 1 Lech/Zuers
- LOLY ÖAMTC Christophorus 15 Ybbsitz
- LOGA LKH Bad Radkersburg
- LOJH Martin 8 Hochgurgl
- LOMP Patergassen
- LOPK LH Phyrn-Eisenwurzen Kirchdorf
- LOMW LKH Wolfsberg
- LOSJ St. Johann im Pongau
- LOWH Hanusch Krankenhaus
- Tauernklinikum Zell am See
- LOXH Hochfilzen
- LOXS Schwarzenbergkaserne
- UKH Lorenz Böhler
- UKH Meidling
- AT02 Scalaria airchallenge
- LAA-Ungerndorf
- LEGO Mistelbach
- LOAA Ottenschlag
- LOAB Dobersberg
- LOAD Völtendorf
- LOAG / LOBK Krems-Langenlois
- LOAN / LOAW Wr. Neustadt Ost
- LOAR Altlichtenwarth
- LOAS Spitzerberg
- LOAT Trausdorf
- LOAU Stockerau
- LOAV Vöslau
- LOGF Fürstenfeld
- LOGG Punitz
- LOGI Trieben
- LOGK Kapfenberg
- LOGL Lanzen-Turnau
- LOGM Mariazell
- LOGO Niederöblarn
- LOGP Pinkafeld
- LOGT Leoben Timmersdorf
- LOGW Unterfladnitz
- LOIH Hohenems
- LOIJ St. Johann
- LOIK Kufstein
- LOIR Reutte Höfen
- LOKF Feldkirchen
- LOKG Glainach
- LOKH Friesach
- LOKL Lienz / Nikolsdorf
- LOKM Mayerhofen
- LOKN Nötsch
- LOKR Sankt Donat
- LOKW Wolfsberg
- LOLC Scharnstein
- LOLE Eferding
- LOLF Freistadt
- LOLG Sankt Georgen
- LOLH HB-Hofkirchen
- LOLK Ried Kirchheim
- LOLO Linz Ost
- LOLS / LOLD Schärding-Suben
- LOLM Micheldorf
- LOLT Seitenstetten
- LOLU Gmunden
- LOLW Wels
- Windparks Österreich
- LOIQ Schenkair Feldkirch
- LOSM Mauterndorf
- LOWF Fischamend
- LOWG Graz Thalerhof
- LOWI Innsbruck Kranebitten
- LOWK/LOMU Klagenfurt
- LOWL Blue Danube Airport Linz
- LOWS W.A.Mozart
- LOWW Wien Schwechat
- LOWZ Zell am See
- LOXA Aigen
- LOXN Wr. Neustadt West
- LOXT Tulln
- LOXZ Zeltweg
- Leopoldsdorf im Marchfeld
- Aircrafts
- Tips und Tricks
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- Allgemeines zur X-Plane Welt
- Europäische Strassen
- Kalkulation Light-Spill
- LUA-Scripts
- Modifikation von X-Plane mit JSGME
- PCL (Pilot controlled lights)
- Weniger Schnee auf der Runway
- Europäische Autobahn Beleuchtung
- Flugzeug-Bemalungen (Liveries) anpassen
- Tutorials
- Wir bauen eine Szenerie I
- Wir bauen eine Szenerie II
- Objekte für X-Plane I
- Objekte für X-Plane II
- Objekte für X-Plane III
- Objekte für X-Plane IV
- Objekte für X-Plane V
- Objekte für X-Plane VI
- Animationen bei Objekten
- Objekte in X-Plane positionieren (WED)
- Die Anwendung von Fassaden (.fac)
- Helipads als Markierung
- Rollmarkierungen
- Strassen mit Verkehr selbst erstellen
- Wir bauen eine Linie (.lin)
- Wir bauen einen Wald (.for)
- Wir bauen uns Bäume (.obj)
- Work in progress
- A319-100 OE-LDG
- A320-232 (Paul Glanville)
- A320-232 (QPAC)
- A321 (riviere) Austrian OE-LBF
- AS 350 B3+
- Airbus A330-200 (JAR-Design)
- Aquila A210 (Picus-X)
- BK117 (NDArt)
- Boeing 737-300 (IXEG)
- Boeing 737-8 ZIBO
- Boeing 737-800 (EADT)
- Boeing 747-8i Adv. (SSG)
- Boeing 757-200PW+RR (FF)
- Boeing 757-300RR (Flight Factor)
- Boeing 767 (Flight Factor)
- Boeing 777-200ER (Ramzzess)
- Boeing 787
- C172SP
- CRJ200
- Dash 8 Q400
- Diamond Aircrafts
- E-190 (SSG)
- EC-135V3 (Rotorsim.de)
- MD80 (Rotate)
- MD902 (Dawson Designs)
- Pilatus PC6
- RJ100
- Vickers Viscount
- Missionen / Flugpläne
LOAU Stockerau
Verfasst von oe3gsu am Di, 2014-03-11 16:41
The Scenery
The airfield Stockerau; ICAO code: LOAU) is an airfield in Stockerau, Lower Austria. The airfield was opened in 1978. At that time, the FSV2000, the resident Flying Club, built a part of the old military training area Senning into a modern airfield.
In the last two decades, a continuous improvement of the infrastructure of the airport took place. So the airfield Stockerau has a 800 meter long asphalt runway, three hangars, operation buildings, a workshop for the in-house maintenance, a cafeteria, training rooms and a gas station for aviation fuel and Mogas.
(Source: Wikipedia, )
The Scenery
The scenery was created entirely by me. I used pictures taken there, thanks to the people at LOAU.
are available at http://www.fsv2000.at/flugplatzloau.htm. Based on this information, the parking positions and taxiways were built in the scenery.
To use the PCL function, either a plane with standby ADF2 or the LUA script on http://www.x-plane.at/drupal/node/247 required.
Functions (summary)
- Photorealistic scenery
- Compatible to OSM+autogen from PliotBalu
- Realistic ground texture on the airport area
- Realistic markings on the apron and taxiways
- Night textures and realistic lightning *)
- ATC taxilines for AI traffic *)
- PCL (pilot controlled lights) for nights-approaches *)
- Ramps for XP-11 updated
*) X-Plane 11, 10 only!
Necessary Software:
X-Plane® Version 11.05 10.25+ oder 9.7
Have Fun
If you like this Scenery, we appreciate your donation:
LOAU Stockerau V1.2.zip (22,88 MB)
LOAU Stockerau V1.2 XP9.zip (22,88 MB)
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