People-LIBRARY 1.11

Durchschnitt: 4.6 (83 Bewertungen)


To bring in a little bit more 'life' into the sceneries, I build a library with different people for usage in sceneries.

Currently the folowing 'groups of people' are covered:


  • Ground personal (GROUND)
  • Passangers (PAX)
  • Flight staff (STAFF)
  • militaries personal (Austrian) (MIL /OE)


The files in the "for scenery" directory should be copied into your scenery folder to avoid error messages when there is no library.


The pack allows two kinds of utilization:

As library:

Just unpack the content in the 'Custom Scenery' folder. Then you'll have a new folder  on the WED library window named 'People LIB'. Just choose an object and position it in the scenery (all objects are orientated north).

As object:

Simply copy the choosen object and the designated texture into the scenery folder and use it as an usual object.

3.Necessary software

X-Plane® Version 10.25+ oder 9.7


LAMINAR RESEARCH®           for X-Plane®

Ben Supnik                              for WED (Version 1.2.1r3 used)

marginal                                   for his Sketchup-Plugin

Cami De Bellis                         for a part of the used textures:

"As well if others scenery designers want to use some of my objects created by myself, in their custom package, feel free to do it."

made by oe3gsu

If you like this objects, we appreciate your donation:

Version 1.1: Error in "library.txt" corrected, night-textures, "ATTR_no_blend" added, MIL-People added
Version 1.11: Bugfix in LIM-onjects and "library.txt"

  People_LIB (10,1 MB)